編號 |
中文 |
英文 |
101 |
生態教育館 |
Ecological Education Center |
102 |
生態工程 |
ecological engineering |
103 |
生態習性 |
Ecological habits |
104 |
生態造林 |
ecological planting |
105 |
生態系 |
Ecosystem |
106 |
生態旅遊 |
Ecotourism |
107 |
特優母樹林 |
elite stand; selected stand; selected crop |
108 |
選留木林分 |
elite stand; selected stand; selected crop |
109 |
特優樹 |
elite tree; champion tree |
110 |
菁英樹 |
elite tree; champion tree |
111 |
瀕臨絕種物種 |
Endangered Species |
112 |
特有種 |
Endemic species |
113 |
森林法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules for the Forestry Act |
114 |
文化資產保存法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act |
115 |
野生動物保育法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of the Wildlife Conservation Act |
116 |
環境教育 |
environmental education |
117 |
土砂捍止保安林 |
Erosion control protection forest |
118 |
二水臺灣獼猴生態教育館 |
Ershui Formosan Rock Macaque Ecocenter |
119 |
釉小蜂 |
Eulophidae |
120 |
同齡林 |
even-aged stand |